Fix bug where the profile page wouldn't set record flag.

knotteye 2020-06-27 10:21:00 -05:00
parent 4628deec1c
commit b57e1d48e6
2 changed files with 6 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ async function initAPI() {'/api/user/update', (req, res) => {
validToken(req.cookies.Authorization).then((t) => {
if(t) {
if(req.body.record === "true") req.body.record = true;
else if(req.body.record === "false") req.body.record = false;
return api.update({name: t['username'],
title: "title" in req.body ? req.body.title : false,
bio: "bio" in req.body ? : false,
@ -377,7 +379,9 @@ async function initSite(openReg) {
app.get('/profile', (req, res) => {
if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) {
db.query('select * from user_meta where username='+db.raw.escape(JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username'])).then((result) => {
res.render('profile.njk', Object.assign({meta: result[0]}, {auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf));
db.query('select record_flag from users where username='+db.raw.escape(JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username'])).then((r2) => {
res.render('profile.njk', Object.assign({rflag: r2[0]}, {meta: result[0]}, {auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf));
//res.render('profile.njk', Object.assign({auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf));

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<form action="/api/user/update" method="POST" target="responseFrame">
Stream Title: </br><input type="text" name="title" style="min-width: 300px" value="{{meta.title}}"/></br>
Bio: </br><input type="text" name="bio" style="min-width: 300px; min-height: 150px;" value="{{meta.about}}"/></br>
Record VODs: <input type="radio" name="record" value="true"> Yes<input type="radio" name="record" value="false" /> No</br></br>
Record VODs: <input type="radio" name="record" value="true" {% if rflag.record_flag %}checked{% endif %}> Yes<input type="radio" name="record" value="false" {% if rflag.record_flag %}{% else %}checked{% endif %}/> No</br></br>
<input type="submit" value="Update Profile">
<form action="/api/user/streamkey" method="POST" target="responseFrame">