require "json" require "option_parser" version = "0.1" class Window JSON.mapping({ id: UInt32, name: String, wtype: {type: String, key: "type"}, app_id: {type: String, default: ""}, wclass: {type: String, key: "class", default: ""}, marks: {type: Array(String), default: [] of String}, nodes: {type: Array(Window), default: [] of Window}, focused: {type: Bool, default: false} }) def clear_nodes @nodes = [] of Window end end def node_loop (root : Window) list = [] of Window root.nodes.each do |node| if node.wtype == "con" list << node elsif !node.nodes.empty? list.concat node_loop node end end list end client_tree = Window.from_json(`swaymsg -t get_tree`) if client_tree.wtype != "root" puts "Malformed client tree." exit(1) end window_list = node_loop client_tree cycle = false OptionParser.parse do |parser| parser.banner = "Usage: swayfocus [OPTIONS]" parser.on "-v", "--version", "Show Version" do puts version exit(0) end parser.on "-h", "--help", "Show Help" do puts parser exit(0) end parser.on "-p", "--print", "Print window names and exit" do window_list.each do |win| puts end exit(0) end parser.on "-c", "--cycle", "Cycle through all matching windows in order, instead of selecting the first in the list" do cycle = true end parser.on "-n WNAME", "--name=WNAME", "Match against window name" do |wname|! {|w| wname} end parser.on "-m WMARK", "--mark=WMARK", "Match against window mark" do |wmark| window_list.reject! {|w| w.marks.none?{|m| m.includes? wmark}} end parser.on "-t WTYPE", "--type=WTYPE", "Match against window type (app_id for wayland, class for xwayland)" do |wtype|! {|w| w.app_id.includes?(wtype) || w.wclass.includes?(wtype)} end parser.invalid_option do |flag| STDERR.puts "#{flag} is not a valid option" STDERR.puts parser exit(1) end parser.missing_option do |flag| STDERR.puts "#{flag} requires an argument" STDERR.puts parser exit(1) end end if window_list.empty? puts "No matching window." exit(1) end if cycle windex = window_list.index {|w| w.focused} if windex.nil? || windex == window_list.size - 1 windex = -1 end windex += 1 Process.exec("swaymsg", ["[con_id=#{window_list[windex].id.to_s}]","focus"]) else Process.exec("swaymsg", ["[con_id=#{window_list[0].id.to_s}]","focus"]) end