#!/bin/sh echo "Please answer a few questions about your instance to get started." echo "Default values are in brackets." name="" while [ -z "$name" ] do echo "Please enter a name for your instance.[]" read name done domain="" while [ -z "$domain" ] do echo "Please the domain name for your instance.[]" read domain done echo "Enter the contact email for the instance." read email echo "Please enter the path to the ffmpeg binary on your system.[$(which ffmpeg)]" read ffmpeg ffmpeg="${ffmpeg:=$(which ffmpeg)}" echo "Please enter the user for the database.[satyr]" read dbuser dbuser="${dbuser:=satyr}" echo "Please enter the password for the database.[autogenerated]" read dbpassword dbpassword="${dbpass:=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 15 | head -n 1)}" echo "Please enter the name for the database.[satyr_db]" read dbname dbname="${dbname:=satyr_db}" echo "Please enter the hostname for the database.[localhost]" read dbhost dbhost="${dbhost:=localhost}" if [ "$dbhost" != "localhost" ] then echo "Please enter the public ip or hostname this server will connect to the database with.[*]" read dbclient dbclient="${dbclient:='*'}" else dbclient="localhost" fi sed -e "s#<iname>#$name#g" -e "s#<domain>#$domain#g" -e "s#<ffmpeg>#$ffmpeg#g" -e "s#<dbuser>#$dbuser#g" -e "s#<dbname>#$dbname#g" -e "s#<dbpass>#$dbpass#g" -e "s#<dbhost>#$dbhost#g" -e "s#<email>#$email#g" install/config.example.yml > config/generated.yml sed -e "s#<dbuser>#$dbuser#g" -e "s#<dbname>#$dbname#g" -e "s#<dbpass>#$dbpass#g" -e "s#<dbhost>#$dbhost#g" -e "s#<dbclient>#$dbclient#g" install/db_template.sql > install/db_setup.sql echo "A setup script for the database has been generated at install/db_setup.sql. Please run it by connecting to your database software and executing 'source install/db_setup.sql;''" echo "A default configuration file has been generated at config/generated.yml" echo "If everything looks fine, move it to config/config.yml and start your instance."