import * as NodeMediaServer from "node-media-server"; import { mkdir } from "fs"; import * as db from "./database"; const isLocal = require("check-localhost"); const { exec } = require('child_process'); function boot (mediaconfig: any) { const nms = new NodeMediaServer(mediaconfig);; nms.on('postPublish', (id, StreamPath, args) => { console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Prepublish Hook for stream:",id); let session = nms.getSession(id); let app: string = StreamPath.split("/")[1]; let key: string = StreamPath.split("/")[2]; if (StreamPath.split("/").length > 3){ console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Malformed URL, closing connection for stream:",id); session.reject(); return false; } if(app === "live") { isLocal(session.ip).then( (local) => { if(local) { console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Local publish, stream:",`${id} ok.`); } else{ console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Non-local Publish to /live, rejecting stream:",id); session.reject(); } }); console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Public endpoint, checking record flag."); db.raw.query('select username,record_flag from users where username=\''+key+'\' and record_flag=true limit 1', (error, results, fields) => { if (error) {throw error;} if(results[0]){ console.log('[NodeMediaServer] Initiating recording for stream:',id); mkdir('./site/live/'+results[0].username, { recursive : true }, (err) => { if (err) throw err; }); let subprocess = exec('ffmpeg -i rtmp://'+results[0].username+' -vcodec copy -acodec copy ./site/live/'+results[0].username+'/$(date +%d%b%Y-%H%M).mp4',{ detached : true, stdio : 'inherit' }); subprocess.unref(); //spawn an ffmpeg process to record the stream, then detach it completely } else { console.log('[NodeMediaServer] Skipping recording for stream:',id); } }); return true; } if(app !== "stream"){ //app isn't 'live' if we've reached this point console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Wrong endpoint, rejecting stream:",id); session.reject(); return false; } db.raw.query('select username from users where stream_key=\''+key+'\' limit 1', (error, results, fields) => { if (error) {throw error;} if(results[0]){ exec('ffmpeg -analyzeduration 0 -i rtmp://localhost/stream/'+key+' -vcodec copy -acodec copy -crf 18 -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/live/'+results[0].username); console.log('[NodeMediaServer] Stream key okay for stream:',id); } else{ console.log('[NodeMediaServer] Invalid stream key for stream:',id); session.reject(); } }); }); nms.on('prePlay', (id, StreamPath, args) => { let session = nms.getSession(id); let app: string = StreamPath.split("/")[1]; let key: string = StreamPath.split("/")[2]; if (StreamPath.split("/").length > 3){ console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Malformed URL, closing connection for stream:",id); session.reject(); return false; } if(app === "stream") { isLocal(session.ip).then( (local) => { if(local) { console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Local play, client:",`${id} ok.`); } else{ console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Non-local Play from /stream, rejecting client:",id); session.reject(); } }); } }); } export { boot };