async function render(path, s){ var context = await getContext(); if(!s) history.pushState({}, context.sitename, location.protocol+'//'; switch(path){ //nothing but context case (path.match(/^\/about\/?$/) || {}).input: document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('about.njk', context); modifyLinks(); break; case (path.match(/^\/login\/?$/) || {}).input: document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('login.njk', context); modifyLinks(); break; case (path.match(/^\/register\/?$/) || {}).input: if(!context.registration) window.location = '/'; document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('registration.njk', context); modifyLinks(); break; case (path.match(/^\/changepwd\/?$/) || {}).input: document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('changepwd.njk', context); modifyLinks(); break; case (path.match(/^\/chat\/?$/) || {}).input: document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('chat.html', context); modifyLinks(); break; case (path.match(/^\/help\/?$/) || {}).input: document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('help.njk', context); modifyLinks(); break; //need to hit the API case (path.match(/^\/users\/live\/?$/) || {}).input: var list = JSON.parse(await makeRequest("POST", "/api/users/live", JSON.stringify({num: 50}))); document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('live.njk', Object.assign({list: list.users}, context)); modifyLinks(); break; case (path.match(/^\/users\/?$/) || {}).input: var list = JSON.parse(await makeRequest("POST", "/api/users/all", JSON.stringify({num: 50}))); document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('list.njk', Object.assign({list: list.users}, context)); modifyLinks(); break; case (path.match(/^\/profile\/chat\/?$/) || {}).input: if(! window.location = '/login'; var config = JSON.parse(await makeRequest("GET", '/api/''/config')); config = { integ: { twitch: config.twitch, xmpp: config.xmpp, irc: config.irc, discord: config.discord } }; document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('chat_integ.njk', Object.assign(config, context)); modifyLinks(); break; case (path.match(/^\/profile\/?$/) || {}).input: if(! window.location = '/login'; var config = JSON.parse(await makeRequest("GET", '/api/''/config')); config = { meta: { title: config.title, about: config.about }, rflag: {record_flag: config.record_flag}, twitch: config.twitch_mirror }; document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('profile.njk', Object.assign(config, context)); modifyLinks(); break; //parsing slugs case (path.match(/^\/invite\//) || {}).input: // /invite/:code document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('invite.njk', Object.assign({icode: path.substring(8)}, context)); modifyLinks(); break; //slugs and API case (path.match(/^\/users\/.+\/?$/) || {}).input: // /users/:user if(path.substring(path.length - 1).indexOf('/') !== -1) var usr = path.substring(7, path.length - 1); else var usr = path.substring(7); var config = JSON.parse(await makeRequest("GET", '/api/'+usr+'/config')); if(!config.title){document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('404.njk', context); break;} document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('user.njk', Object.assign({about: config.about, title: config.title, username: config.username, viewers: config.viewers}, context)); modifyLinks(); initPlayer(usr); updateViewers(); break; case (path.match(/^\/vods\/.+\/manage\/?$/) || {}).input: // /vods/:user/manage var usr = path.substring(6, (path.length - 7)); if( !== usr) window.location = '/vods/'+usr; var vods = JSON.parse(await makeRequest("GET", '/api/'+usr+'/vods')); document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('managevods.njk', Object.assign({user: usr, list: vods.vods.filter(fn =>'.mp4'))}, context)); modifyLinks(); break; case (path.match(/^\/vods\/.+\/?$/) || {}).input: // /vods/:user if(path.substring(path.length - 1).indexOf('/') !== -1) var usr = path.substring(6, path.length - 1); else var usr = path.substring(6); var vods = JSON.parse(await makeRequest("GET", '/api/'+usr+'/vods')); document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('vods.njk', Object.assign({user: usr, list: vods.vods.filter(fn =>'.mp4'))}, context)); modifyLinks(); break; //root case "/": render('/users/live'); modifyLinks(); break; case "": render('/users/live'); modifyLinks(); break; case "/index.html": render('/users/live'); modifyLinks(); break; //404 default: document.body.innerHTML = nunjucks.render('404.njk', context); modifyLinks(); } } window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => { render(document.location.pathname, true); }); async function getContext(){ var info = JSON.parse(await makeRequest('GET', '/api/instance/info')); info.sitename =; = null; info.auth = { is: document.cookie.match(/^(.*;)?\s*X-Auth-As\s*=\s*[^;]+(.*)?$/) !== null, name: parseCookie(document.cookie)['X-Auth-As'] } return info; } function makeRequest(method, url, payload) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, url); xhr.onload = function () { if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) { resolve(xhr.response); } else { reject({ status: this.status, statusText: xhr.statusText }); } }; xhr.onerror = function () { reject({ status: this.status, statusText: xhr.statusText }); }; !payload ? xhr.send() : xhr.send(payload); }); } function parseCookie(c){ if(typeof(c) !== 'string' || !c.includes('=')) return {}; return Object.assign({[c.split('=')[0].trim()]:c.split('=')[1].split(';')[0].trim()}, parseCookie(c.split(/;(.+)/)[1])); } function handleLoad() { var r = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('responseFrame').contentDocument.documentElement.textContent).success if (typeof(r) !== 'undefined') window.location.href = '/profile' } function modifyLinks() { for (var ls = document.links, numLinks = ls.length, i=0; i setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } var shakaPolyFilled = false; async function initPlayer(usr) { var manifestUri = document.location.protocol+'//''/live/'+usr+'/index.mpd'; if(!shakaPolyFilled){ shaka.polyfill.installAll(); shakaPolyFilled = true; } var live = JSON.parse(await makeRequest("GET", "/api/"+usr+"/config")).live; if(live){ // Create a Player instance. const video = document.getElementById('video'); const player = new shaka.Player(video); // Listen for error events. player.addEventListener('error', onErrorEvent); video.addEventListener('play', () => { document.getElementById('playbtn').style.visibility = 'hidden'; }); video.addEventListener('pause', () => { document.getElementById('playbtn').style.visibility = 'visible'; }); // Try to load a manifest. // This is an asynchronous process. try { await player.load(manifestUri); // This runs if the asynchronous load is successful. console.log('The video has now been loaded!'); } catch (e) { // onError is executed if the asynchronous load fails. onError(e); } } else { if(document.getElementById('video') !== null) setTimeout(initPlayer, 5000, usr); } } function onErrorEvent(event) { // Extract the shaka.util.Error object from the event. onError(event.detail); } function onError(error) { // Log the error. console.error('Error code', error.code, 'object', error); }