{% extends "base.njk" %} {% block content %} <p></p> <h4>Chatting</h4> The webclient for chat can be accessed on the streamer's page, or at <a href="https://{{ domain }}/chat">https://{{ domain }}/chat</a></br></br> The following commands are available:</br> <code><a>/nick sally (password)</a></code> Password is only required if sally is a registered user.</br> <code><a>/join sally</a></code> Join the chatroom for sally's stream and leave the previous room.</br> <code><a>/kick bob</a></code> Available only in your own room if you are a streamer. Forcefully disconnect the user.</br> <code><a>/ban bob (time)</a></code> Ban a user from your room. Bans are based on IP address. The optional time is in minutes. The default is 30.</br> <code><a>/banlist</a></code> List the IPs currently banned from your room.</br> <code><a>/unban (ip)</a></code> self explanatory</br> </br> Chat rooms can also be mirrored to discord channels, IRC channels, and twitch streams. Ask the instance administrator if these are available. <h4>Streaming</h4> Users should stream to <a>rtmp://{{ domain }}/stream/Stream-Key</a></br></br> The stream will be available at <a>rtmp://{{ domain }}/live/username</a> </br>or at your page on <a>https://{{ domain }}/users/username</a></br> </br> Most software, such as OBS, will have a separate field for the URL and stream key, in which case you can enter rtmp://{{ domain }}/stream/ and the stream key in the appropriate field. {% endblock %}