A self hosted livestreaming server.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
This repo is archived. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.

213 lines
5.5 KiB

// written by crushv <nik@telekem.net>
// thanks nikki
const net = require('net')
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const socket = new net.Socket()
const emitter = new EventEmitter()
socket.on('error', console.error)
function m (text) {
console.log('> ' + text)
socket.write(text + '\r\n')
var config
socket.once('connect', async () => {
m(`PASS ${config.pass} TS 6 :${config.sid}`)
m(`SERVER ${config.server} 1 satyr`)
function parseLine (l) {
const colIndex = l.lastIndexOf(':')
if (colIndex > -1) {
return {
params: l.substring(0, colIndex - 1).split(' '),
query: l.substring(colIndex + 1)
} else return { params: l.split(' ') }
const servers = []
const users = {}
const channels = {}
const globalCommands = {
// PING :42X
// params: SID
PING: l => {
const { query } = parseLine(l)
m(`PONG :${query}`)
// PASS hunter2 TS 6 :42X
// params: password, 'TS', TS version, SID
PASS: l => {
const { query } = parseLine(l)
// adds a server
const serverCommands = {
// EUID nik 1 1569146316 +i ~nik localhost6.attlocal.net 0::1 42XAAAAAB * * :nik
// params: nickname, hopcount, nickTS, umodes, username, visible hostname, IP address, UID, real hostname, account name, gecos
EUID: l => {
const { params } = parseLine(l)
const user = {
nick: params[0],
nickTS: params[2],
modes: params[3],
username: params[4],
vhost: params[5],
ip: params[6],
uid: params[7]
users[user.uid] = user
// SJOIN 1569142987 #test +nt :42XAAAAAB
// params: channelTS, channel, simple modes, opt. mode parameters..., nicklist
SJOIN: l => {
const { params, query } = parseLine(l)
const channel = {
timestamp: params[0],
name: params[1],
modes: params.slice(2).join(' '),
nicklist: query.split(' ').map(uid => {
if (/[^0-9a-zA-Z]/.test(uid[0])) return { uid: uid.slice(1), mode: uid[0] }
else return { uid: uid, mode: '' }
channels[channel.name] = channel
const userCommands = {
// :42XAAAAAC PRIVMSG #test :asd
// params: target, msg
PRIVMSG: (l, source) => {
const { params, query } = parseLine(l)
emitter.emit('message', users[source].nick, params[0], query)
// :42XAAAAAC JOIN 1569149395 #test +
JOIN: (l, source) => {
const { params } = parseLine(l)
uid: source
// :42XAAAAAC PART #test :WeeChat 2.6
PART: (l, source) => {
const { params } = parseLine(l)
for (let i = 0; i < channels[params[0]].nicklist.length; i++) {
if (channels[params[0]].nicklist[i].uid === source) {
channels[params[0]].nicklist.splice(i, 1)
QUIT: (_l, source) => {
delete users[source]
function parser (l) {
const split = l.split(' ')
const cmd = split[0]
const args = split.slice(1).join(' ')
if (globalCommands[cmd]) return globalCommands[cmd](args)
if (cmd[0] === ':') {
const source = cmd.slice(1)
const subcmd = split[1]
const subargs = split.slice(2).join(' ')
if (servers.indexOf(source) > -1 && serverCommands[subcmd]) serverCommands[subcmd](subargs)
if (users[source] && userCommands[subcmd]) userCommands[subcmd](subargs, source)
socket.on('data', data => {
.filter(l => l !== '')
.forEach(l => {
console.log('< ' + l)
module.exports.connect = conf => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
emitter.once('ping', resolve)
config = conf
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
module.exports.events = emitter
const genTS = () => Math.trunc((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)
const genUID = () => {
var uid = ''
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) uid += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length))
if (users[uid]) return genUID()
return config.sid + uid
const getUID = nick => {
for (const key in users) if (users[key].nick === nick) return key
module.exports.registerUser = nick => {
const user = {
nick: nick,
nickTS: genTS(),
modes: '+i',
username: '~' + nick,
vhost: config.vhost,
ip: '0::1',
uid: genUID()
users[user.uid] = user
m(`EUID ${user.nick} 1 ${user.nickTS} ${user.modes} ~${user.nick} ${user.vhost} 0::1 ${user.uid} * * :${user.nick}`)
module.exports.unregisterUser = nick => {
const uid = getUID(nick)
m(`:${uid} QUIT :Quit: satyr`)
delete users[uid]
module.exports.join = (nick, channelName) => {
const uid = getUID(nick)
if (!channels[channelName]) {
const channel = {
timestamp: genTS(),
name: channelName,
modes: '+nt',
nicklist: [{ uid: uid, mode: '' }]
channels[channel.name] = channel
m(`:${uid} JOIN ${channels[channelName].timestamp} ${channelName} +`)
module.exports.part = (nick, channelName) => {
const uid = getUID(nick)
m(`:${uid} PART ${channelName} :satyr`)
for (let i = 0; i < channels[channelName].nicklist.length; i++) {
if (channels[channelName].nicklist[i].uid === uid) {
channels[channelName].nicklist.splice(i, 1)
module.exports.send = (nick, channelName, message) => {
const uid = getUID(nick)
m(`:${uid} PRIVMSG ${channelName} :${message}`)
emitter.emit('message', nick, channelName, message)