Tune ffmpeg command to start playback and transcode faster
Add option for custom flagsmerge-requests/19/head
@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ transcode:
# satyr will generate one source quality variant, and the remaining
# variants will be of incrementally lower quality and bitrate
inputflags: ""
# additional flags to apply to the input during transcoding
outputflags: ""
# additional flags to apply to the output during transcoding
# hardware acceleration is a bit difficult to configure programmatically
# this is a good place to do so for your system
# https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/HWAccelIntro is a good place to start
# having more than 4-5 variants will start giving diminishing returns on stream quality for cpu load
# if you can't afford to generate at least 3 variants, it's reccomended to leave adaptive streaming off
@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ const config: Object = {
transcode: Object.assign({
adapative: false,
variants: 3,
format: 'dash'
format: 'dash',
inputflags: null,
outputflags: null
}, localconfig['transcode']),
chat: {
irc: Object.assign({
@ -41,7 +41,11 @@ function init () {
if(session.audioCodec !== 0 && session.videoCodec !== 0){
transCommand(results[0].username, key).then((r) => {
execFile(config['media']['ffmpeg'], r, {maxBuffer: Infinity}, (err, stdout, stderr) => {});
execFile(config['media']['ffmpeg'], r, {maxBuffer: Infinity}, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
@ -112,7 +116,9 @@ function init () {
async function transCommand(user: string, key: string): Promise<string[]>{
let args: string[] = [/*'-loglevel', 'fatal',*/ '-y', '-i', 'rtmp://'+config['rtmp']['port']+'/'+config['media']['privateEndpoint']+'/'+key];
let args: string[] = ['-loglevel', 'fatal', '-y'];
if(config['transcode']['inputflags'] !== null && config['transcode']['inputflags'] !== "") args = args.concat(config['transcode']['inputflags'].split(" "));
args = args.concat(['-i', 'rtmp://'+config['rtmp']['port']+'/'+config['media']['privateEndpoint']+'/'+key, '-movflags', '+faststart']);
if(config['transcode']['adaptive']===true && config['transcode']['variants'] > 1) {
for(let i=0;i<config['transcode']['variants'];i++){
args = args.concat(['-map', '0:2']);
@ -133,8 +139,11 @@ async function transCommand(user: string, key: string): Promise<string[]>{
else {
args = args.concat(['-c:a', 'aac', '-c:v', 'libx264']);
args = args.concat(['-preset', 'veryfast', '-tune', 'zerolatency']);
//if(config['transcode']['format'] === 'dash')
args = args.concat(['-remove_at_exit', '1', '-seg_duration', '1', '-window_size', '30', '-f', 'dash', config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+user+'/index.mpd']);
args = args.concat(['-remove_at_exit', '1', '-seg_duration', '1', '-window_size', '30']);
if(config['transcode']['outputflags'] !== null && config['transcode']['outputflags'] !== "") args = args.concat(config['transcode']['outputflags'].split(" "));
args = args.concat(['-f', 'dash', config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+user+'/index.mpd']);
//else if(config['transcode']['format'] === 'hls')
//args = args.concat(['-remove_at_exit', '1', '-hls_time', '1', '-hls_list_size', '30', '-f', 'hls', config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+user+'/index.m3u8']);
return args;
Reference in New Issue