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import * as mysql from "mysql";
import * as bcrypt from "bcrypt";
import * as crypto from "crypto";
import { config } from "./config";
import { resolve } from "url";
var raw;
var cryptoconfig: Object;
function init (){
raw = mysql.createPool(config['database']);
cryptoconfig = config['crypto'];
console.log('Connected to database.');
function initRTMPCluster(){
let cfg = config['database'];
cfg['connectionLimit'] = Math.floor(config['database']['connectionLimit'] / require('os').cpus().length);
raw = mysql.createPool(cfg);
cryptoconfig = config['crypto'];
async function addUser(name: string, password: string){
//does not respect registration setting in config
if(password === '') return false;
let key: string = await genKey();
let hash: string = await bcrypt.hash(password, cryptoconfig['saltRounds']);
let dupe = await query('select * from users where username='+raw.escape(name));
if(dupe[0]) return false;
await query('INSERT INTO users (username, password_hash, stream_key, record_flag) VALUES ('+raw.escape(name)+', '+raw.escape(hash)+', '+raw.escape(key)+', 0)');
await query('INSERT INTO user_meta (username, title, about, live) VALUES ('+raw.escape(name)+',\'\',\'\',false)');
await query('INSERT INTO chat_integration (username, irc, xmpp, twitch, discord) VALUES ('+raw.escape(name)+',\'\',\'\',\'\',\'\')');
await query('INSERT INTO twitch_mirror (username) VALUES ('+raw.escape(name)+')');
return true;
async function rmUser(name: string){
let exist = await query('select * from users where username='+raw.escape(name));
if(!exist[0]) return false;
await query('delete from users where username='+raw.escape(name)+' limit 1');
await query('delete from user_meta where username='+raw.escape(name)+' limit 1');
await query('delete from chat_integration where username='+raw.escape(name)+' limit 1');
await query('delete from twitch_mirror where username='+raw.escape(name)+' limit 1');
return true;
async function genKey(){
let key: string = crypto.randomBytes(10).toString('hex');
let result = await query('select * from users where stream_key=\''+key+'\'');
if(result[0]) return await genKey();
else return key;
async function query(query: string): Promise<Array<any>>{
return new Promise(resolve => raw.query(query, (error, results, fields) => {
if(error) throw error;
async function validatePassword(username: string, password: string){
try {
let pass: any = await query('select password_hash from users where username='+raw.escape(username)+' limit 1');
return await, pass[0].password_hash.toString());
} catch(e) {
return false;
async function hash(pwd){
return await bcrypt.hash(pwd, cryptoconfig['saltRounds']);
export { query, raw, init, addUser, rmUser, validatePassword, hash, genKey, initRTMPCluster };