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Using Satyr's Rest API


Generic enformation about the instance.

Method: GET

Authentication: no

Parameters: none

Response: Returns a JSON object containing the name, domain, version, email, and whether registration is open. Email will be null if not specified.

Example: {name: "Example Instance", domain: "", registration: false, version: 0.7, email: null}


Configuration of the instance relating to media

Method: GET

Authentication: no

Parameters: none

Response: JSON object containing the port and ping_timeout for RTMP, public and private play endpoints, and whether adaptive livestreaming and VOD recording are enabled.


	rtmp: {
		port: 1935,
		ping_timeout: 60
	media: {
		vods: false,
		publicEndpoint: 'live',
		privateEndpoint: 'stream',
		adaptive: true

Public and private endpoints work like this, from the above example: stream to: rtmp:// play from: rtmp:// or


Returns the usernames and stream titles of 10 users who are currently streaming

Method: GET

Authentication: no

Parameters: none

Response: Returns an array of objects containing the username and title of each stream. Returns an empty array if no one is streaming.

Example: [{username:"foo", title:"bar"}]


Same as above, with number indicated the number of users to list. Maximum of 50.


Register a new user.

Method: POST

Authentication: no

Parameters: Username, password, confirm

Response: If successful, returns a json object with the users stream key. Otherwise returns {error: "error reason"}

Examples: {stream_key: "asdfghjkltyuiop12345"} {error: "registration disabled"}


Obtain a signed json web token for authentication

Method: POST

Authentication: no

Parameters: Username and password OR a valid JWT cookie expiring in less than 24 hours

Response: If succesful, will return {success: ""} or {success: "already verified"} if the JWT provided is too early to be renewed. If unsuccesful, will return {error: "invalid password"} or {error: "Username or Password Incorrect"} depending on the authentication method. Note that if a JWT is available, the parameters will be ignored.

Notes: I've already listed nearly every response. My final note is that the JWT is set as the cookie 'Authorization', not returned in the response.


Update the current user's information

Method: POST

Authentication: yes

Parameters: title, bio, rec Rec is a boolean (whether to record VODs), others are strings. Parameters that are not included in the request will not be updated.

Response: Returns {error: "error code"} or {success: ""}


Update the chatrooms on other platforms to integrate with the user's stream chat

Method: POST

Authentication: yes

Parameters: discord, xmpp, twitch irc All strings corresponding to a channel name to mirror to. XMPP is currently unused. Parameters not included in the request will not be updated.

Response: Returns {error: "error code"} or {success: ""}


Delete the specified vods of the current user

Method: POST

Authentication: yes

Paramters: A string array of the names of vods to be deleted.

Response: Returns {error: "error code"} or {success: ""}


Change the current user's password

Method: POST

Authentication: yes

Parameters: The user's current password, the new password, AND a valid JWT cookie.

Response: Returns {error: "error code"} or {success: ""}


Change the current user's stream key. This will not affect the stream if the user is currently live.

Method: POST

Authentication: yes

Parameters: A valid JWT cookie. No other parameters.

Response: Returns {error: "error code"} or {success: "new_stream_key"}


Get a list of the named users VODs

Method: GET

Authentication: no

Parameters: none

Response: Returns an array of VODs with the format [{"name":"yote.mp4"},{"name":"yeet.mp4"}]

Notes: VODs are always available at

Not Yet Implemented


List bio, stream title. If authenticated, list all settings.


Return current stream key


Paging and sorting coming Soon(tm)