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## Using Satyr's Rest API
### /api/instance/info
Generic enformation about the instance.
Method: GET
Authentication: no
Parameters: none
Response: Returns a JSON object containing the name, domain, version, email, and whether registration is open. Email will be null if not specified.
Example: `{name: "Example Instance", domain: "", registration: false, version: 0.7, email: null}`
### /api/instance/config
Configuration of the instance relating to media
Method: GET
Authentication: no
Parameters: none
Response: JSON object containing the port and ping_timeout for RTMP, public and private play endpoints, and whether adaptive livestreaming and VOD recording are enabled.
rtmp: {
port: 1935,
ping_timeout: 60
media: {
vods: false,
publicEndpoint: 'live',
privateEndpoint: 'stream',
adaptive: true
Public and private endpoints work like this, from the above example:
stream to: rtmp://
play from: rtmp:// or
### /api/users/live/
Returns the usernames and stream titles of 10 users who are currently streaming
Method: GET
Authentication: no
Parameters: num (optional), sort (optional)
Response: Returns an array of objects containing the username and title of each stream. Returns an empty array if no one is streaming.
Example: `[{username:"foo", title:"bar"}]`
### /api/users/all
Same as above, but returns all users regardless of whether they are streaming. Also unfinished.
### /api/register
Register a new user.
Method: POST
Authentication: no
Parameters: Username, password, confirm
Response: If successful, returns a json object with the users stream key. Otherwise returns `{error: "error reason"}`
`{stream_key: "asdfghjkltyuiop12345"}`
`{error: "registration disabled"}`
### /api/login
Obtain a signed json web token for authentication
Method: POST
Authentication: no
Parameters: Username and password OR a valid JWT cookie expiring in less than 24 hours
Response: If succesful, will return `{success: ""}` or `{success: "already verified"}` if the JWT provided is too early to be renewed. If unsuccesful, will return `{error: "invalid password"}` or `{error: "Username or Password Incorrect"}` depending on the authentication method. Note that if a JWT is available, the parameters will be ignored.
Notes: I've already listed nearly every response. My final note is that the JWT is set as the cookie 'Authorization', not returned in the response.
### /api/user/update
Update the current user's information
Method: POST
Authentication: yes
Parameters: title, bio, rec
Rec is a boolean (whether to record VODs), others are strings. Parameters that are not included in the request will not be updated.
Response: Returns `{error: "error code"}` or `{success: ""}`
### /api/user/update/chat
Update the chatrooms on other platforms to integrate with the user's stream chat
Method: POST
Authentication: yes
Parameters: discord, xmpp, twitch irc
All strings corresponding to a channel name to mirror to. XMPP is currently unused. Parameters not included in the request will not be updated.
Response: Returns `{error: "error code"}` or `{success: ""}`
### /api/user/vods/delete
Delete the specified vods of the current user
Method: POST
Authentication: yes
Paramters: A string array of the names of vods to be deleted. (Do not include the file extension);
Response: Returns `{error: "error code"}` or `{success: ""}`
### /api/user/password
Change the current user's password
Method: POST
Authentication: yes
Parameters: The user's current password, the new password, AND a valid JWT cookie.
Response: Returns `{error: "error code"}` or `{success: ""}`
### /api/user/streamkey
Change the current user's stream key. This will not affect the stream if the user is currently live.
Method: POST
Authentication: yes
Parameters: A valid JWT cookie. No other parameters.
Response: Returns `{error: "error code"}` or `{success: "new_stream_key"}`
### /api/:user/vods
Get a list of the named users VODs
Method: GET
Authentication: no
Parameters: user
Response: Returns an array of VODs with the format `[{"name":"yote.mp4"},{"name":"yeet.mp4"}]`
Notes: VODs are always available at
## /api/:user/config
Method: GET
Authentication: optional
Parameters: user
Response: Returns a JSON object with available information about the user. If the user is authenticated and searching for their own information, will return all available information. Otherwise it will return only the stream title and bio. In the case of searching for a user that does not exist, the returned object will contain only the username searched for.
Example: `{username: "foo", title: "bar", about: "This is an example bio"}`
## Not Yet Implemented
#### /api/user/streamkey/current
Return current stream key