knotteye merged pull request knotteye/satyr#12
better-migration -> develop
knotteye pushed to develop at knotteye/satyr
- d0e3507cc0 Merge pull request 'better-migration -> develop' (#12) from better-migration into develop
- 33accfb8b7 Select scripts to run based on comparing version strings and script names.
- 3e073e7f66 Skip compiling templates when running migrations alone
- Compare 3 commits »
knotteye created pull request knotteye/satyr#12
better-migration -> developknotteye pushed to better-migration at knotteye/satyr
- 33accfb8b7 Select scripts to run based on comparing version strings and script names.
- 3e073e7f66 Skip compiling templates when running migrations alone
knotteye opened issue knotteye/satyr#10
Periodically check for stream start if it hasn't by the time we load the user's profileknotteye closed issue knotteye/satyr#1
Stream stops playing after a whileknotteye commented on issue knotteye/satyr#1
Stream stops playing after a whileOh, I got those messages after ffmpeg crashed and the stream ended unceremoniously. I think I actually need a better UI for streams starting and stopping.
knotteye commented on issue knotteye/satyr#1
Stream stops playing after a whileDoes not seem to be fixed. Spitting out `Error code 1001 object Object { severity: 1, category: 1, code: 1001, data: Array[5], handled: false }` after awhile.
knotteye pushed to master at knotteye/overlay
- c1b601d6d5 Give up on wpgtk
knotteye pushed to master at knotteye/overlay
- b1b6d8044c Add wpgtk ebuild
knotteye pushed to master at knotteye/overlay
- 7444d8c712 Make repoman happy and switch to
knotteye pushed to master at knotteye/overlay
- bea4312d46 Fix ./configure in xfce4-i3-workspaces-plugin
knotteye pushed to master at knotteye/overlay
- f7c03582d4 Add xfce4-workspaces-plugin ebuild
knotteye pushed to master at knotteye/overlay
- c964dcf7f5 Fix automakewith lib64 I think